Join us for Worship Sundays 10:30am in the Sanctuary:  CLICK HERE  for more details.




For Calendar of Upcoming Events






Meet the FCC Community in this Special Video.





Worship Service: Sunday, February 2nd .

For Other Recent Services Click Here.


  • 13418863_1084663151608315_3925551592498306107_n_2017-09-09-18-57-20.jpg
    Spiritual connection
  • fcc-communion-table_2017-09-07-00-27-17_2017-09-09-19-44-40_2017-09-10-02-55-50.jpg
    A table of welcome
  • fcc-sanctuary-wedding_2017-09-10-02-45-29.jpg
    A sacred space
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    A light in the darkness
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    A place to belong




An Open and Affirming Congregation of



Sunday Worship 10:30am


Underground Church Worship Service: usually 3rd Saturdays of month at 10:30am

Wednesday Labyrinth Walks 11am-1pm (closed July & August)

40 South Fullerton Avenue, Montclair, NJ 07042







Open Doors

Jesus didn't turn people away.  Neither do we.  As an Open and Affirming, multiracial congregation we reflect the beautiful diversity of God.  You are welcome here.




We gather as pilgrims on a journey of faith, seeking wisdom and a WAY of life inspired by the radical love of Jesus the Christ. We invite you to deepen your spiritual walk with us.




We are called to be "sacred activists" -- God's heart and hands in the world. Through service and advocacy we are committed to creating a just and peacful world.  




Human beings are made for community, experiencing  God in our relationships with one another: sharing meals, working side by side, laughing and learning.

Greetings from our Pastors


Rev. Ann Ralosky, Lead Pastor for Worship and Congregational Transformation

One of the most counter-cultural things we can do these days is come together face to face and heart to heart as people, -- messy, flawed, hopeful people -- and see God reflected there.  That's often what brings us to find a church.  But  we know it can be intimidating!   When you walk through our big front doors, we hope you will find a community that feeds your soul,  deepens your faith and challenges you as well.  We are a blend of folks from many Christian paths but  we find a common journey together.  Our Sanctuary is truly awe-inspiring, but our community is warm and welcoming.  Our worship services are lively and engaging, our music ranges from traditional to contemporary, and our sermons touch both heart and head. As you look around you’ll see a variety of people – young, old, families, singles, gay, straight, various colors and cultures… you’re bound to see someone who reminds you of you!  


If you'd like to schedule a zoom conversation with me to learn more, please CLICK HERE.


Reverend Ann



Rev. John Rogers, Lead Pastor for Spiritual Formation and Community Development


What a joy it is to welcome you to First Congregational Church of Montclair! We are a community with deep roots and an ever-expanding outreach. Founded by abolitionists, FCC Montclair has served our local community and beyond for over 150 years. Today FCC is a growing congregation that strives to meet the needs of this moment. Come join us as we come together to not only grow spirituality, but to fight for social and climate justice. With a thriving children’s and youth program, vibrant music, and many opportunities to put our faith into action, there are many ways to get involved. We’d love you to be a part of our Spirit-led journey!


Reverend John


Join Us and Get Involved!

Click "More Info" below for details:

  • Labyrinth Walks: Wednesdays 11am-1pm, in the sanctuary.

  •  Slow Motion Adult Bible Study is returning Thursdays beginning February 6th at 7pm on Zoom.

  • Underground Church worship service - Saturday, February 15, 10:30am in the sanctuary.

Slow Motion Adult Bible Study Is  Returning Thursdays Beginning February 6 at 7pm on Zoom


After a brief hiatus, the FCC online Bible Study is back!  It will be led by new FCC member and ordained pastor, Rev. Victor Peterson.  This is an open study, dedicated to exploring our sacred scriptures in an accessible and engaging community.  No prior Bible experience required!  CLICK HERE for the Zoom Link.

Next Underground Church Worship Service:

Saturday, February 15, 10:30am in the Sanctuary

Underground Church is a unique and dynamic gathering that combines the intimacy of Jesus' early community with creative and inventive worship experiences.  In the warmth and safety of community we explore the scriptures, live out the questions through discussion,  and share innovative rituals that bring us closer to each other and to our still-speaking God.  Together ...