Exploring Our Faith Together
Exploring Our Faith Together
What is Confirmation?
Confirmation is a process of exploring your faith; when a young person decides to be confirmed he or she will find themselves on a life-long journey. They will learn more about how we believe as Christians and reflect on what that means for them in their life. But Confirmation is not about finding “answers” – it is about gaining wisdom and learning to “live the questions.” It is not about memorizing doctrine, but finding a way of life that reflects your deepest values. A big part of the confirmation experience is building trust and relationships with the other class members, the adults mentors and with the congregation. When confirmed our young people are considered adult members of the church, able to vote and to lead and to participate actively in the future of the church. But most importantly, they will have embraced a spiritual adventure that can shape their life.
Confirmation is open to all young people 8th grade and older. If you are interested in joining a class, please see John Rogers at
Confirmation Schedule
October 23rd
November 6th
November 20th
December 11th
January 22nd
February 5th
February 26th
March 19th
April 2nd
April 23rd
May 7th (Confirmation Sunday)