Stay up to date with what's going on!
Sundays At FCC!
Information For Worship Service
Join Us This Sunday, September 8th, for Worship at 10:30am in the Sanctuary.
Welcome Back Sunday and Picnic!
Join us each week at 10:30am as we grow closer to God and one another through our Sunday morning service.
Please Note: Our Sanctuary is not air conditioned, but we have a variety of options to beat the heat.
Please dress cool and comfortable for worship!
Tune into the livestream of the service.
Join Us for Coffee Hour in the Guild Room following worship!
All are welcome to join us for food and fellowship in the Guild Room after worship. If you would like to host an upcoming coffee hour CLICK HERE to sign up online or call/text Lisa Marie Bronson at 973-571-3553.
Volunteers Needed For Coffee Hour
Looking for a great way to meet FCC folks and contribute to our hospitality? Consider helping with coffee hour! We need help to make this possible every week!
Interested in finding out more?
You can click here to sign up for a specific Sunday or call/text Lisa Marie Bronson at 973-571-3553.
Underground Church Worship Service:
Returns Saturday, September 21,10:30am in the Sanctuary
Underground Church is a unique and dynamic gathering that combines the intimacy of Jesus' early community with creative and inventive worship experiences. In the warmth and safety of community we explore the scriptures, live out the questions through discussion, and share innovative rituals that bring us closer to each other and to our still-speaking God. Together we create the unity of spirit that helps us find God's presence in the messy and beautiful experience of living today. All are welcome!
Weekly Labyrinth Walks:
Wednesdays 11am-1pm in the Sanctuary
Take your soul for a walk on the labyrinth. We are pleased to offer labyrinth walks each Wednesday as a chance to connect with your soul in our beautiful sanctuary.
The labyrinth is an ancient spiritual tool , a mode of “walking prayer” that invites us to go deeper in our walk with God. Our labyrinth, modeled on one in Chartes Cathedral in France, sits as the center of our Sanctuary, a constant metaphor for our spiritual lives. Just like the labyrinth, our lives are not linear, but filled with twists and turns. Sometimes we make great progress, and other times we feel we are going backwards. But if we trust in the path we will find our selves in the center: the heart of God. All are welcome to take their souls out for a walk... no experience necessary!
You can CLICK HERE to find out more about walking the labyrinth. Check out this lovely write up on our labyrinth on Baristanet in the Spring of 2014.
Slow Motion Adult Bible Study
September 19th on Zoom at 7pm
Join us as we dig deeply into Scripture, bringing in cultural, historical, theological, and linguistic backgrounds and resources. Participants are encouraged to have their favorite translation of the Bible with them. Led by Rev. Jack Cuffari who serves as Interim Pastor of First Congregational Church UCC of Haworth. This class will include members from both churches. Please email Rev. Jack at jack@cuffari.com to register and to get zoom link.
Full Spectrum Schedule!
(FCC's LGBTQ+ Group Events)
On Hiatus July-September
Join us for friendship, fun and faith!
Full Spectrum is the LGBTQ+ group of First Congregational Church, and if you are part of the LGBTQ+ community we would love for you to join us! We gather on the first Friday each month for a social event (pot lucks, movie nights, picnics, etc) and on the third Friday of each month we gather ON ZOOM for Full Spectrum Spirituality, a supportive group to talk about our spiritual journeys, ask questions, and delve into our faith and scripture through a queer lens. To learn more, please text Alexis Lourenco at 856-332-7448.
Full Spectrum LGBTQ+ Community Schedule
*** First Friday Fun
Join us on the First Friday of each month (approx 7:30pm) for a fun, social event.
***Third Friday Full Spectrum Spirituality (on Zoom):
Special small group discussion on spirituality, scripture and faith (approx 7:30pm).