Take Your Soul Out for a Walk


Labyrinth Walks:

Wednesdays 11am-1pm in the Sanctuary


Take your soul for a walk on the labyrinth.  We are pleased to offer labyrinth walks each Wednesday as a chance to connect with your soul in our beautiful sanctuary.



The labyrinth is an ancient spiritual tool , a mode of “walking prayer” that invites us to go deeper in our walk with God.  Our labyrinth, modeled on one in Chartes Cathedral in France, sits as the center of our Sanctuary, a constant metaphor for our spiritual lives.  Just like the labyrinth, our lives are not linear, but filled with twists and turns.  Sometimes we make great progress, and other times we feel we are going backwards.  But if we trust in the path we will find our selves in the center: the heart of God.


All are welcome to take their souls out for a walk... no experience necessary!


Check out this lovely write up on Baristanet in the Spring 2014


You can find out more about walking the labyrinth here ....