Youth Ministry

Ubuntu:  I am what I am because of who we all are.

A person with Ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, based from a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs to a greater whole… - Bishop Desmond Tutu

What We Do


Sacred Talk:  Once-a-month the senior high youth group puts scripture in conversation with ancient and contemporary forms of wisdom. During Sacred Talk, we engage with poets like Maya Angelou, philosophers like Lao Tzu, and musicians like Chance the Rapper to help illuminate themes like moral development, spiritual growth, and resilience found in the Bible. At FCC, we take the scripture too seriously to take it literally and these many voices help us to hear the many ways God is still speaking. 


Service: Serving our neighbor is central for the youth group. We have prepared lunches for people experiencing homelessness through Bridges Outreach; organized a clothing closet through Broadway Presbyterian, and helped clean up a home in South Jersey after Hurricane Sandy—to name a few. We also participate in events like the People’s Climate March and other forms of interfaith activism as a form of service. These examples are all ways we try to “love our neighbors as ourselves.”


Overnight Retreats: The youth program has about three overnights a year including Mystics’ Eve—a contemplative experience around Halloween; Camp Bernie—a weekend retreat where the students bond with other youth groups from around New Jersey; and Kirkridge Retreat—a weekend getaway that focus’s on navigating the teenage years. 


Summer Trips: Each summer the Youth Group travels to serve our neighbors, immerse ourselves in another culture, and learn relevant issues facing our world. We have traveled to Belize to serve with a Q’eqchi’ Mayan Youth Group, worked on a farm through Heifer International, and took a service trip to Puerto Rico to help rebuild after Hurricane Maria. The summer experience is the culmination of the whole year of service, community building, and spiritual growth.


If you are interested in learning more about the FCC Youth Group please contact Reverend John Rogers at